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Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Problems with mDNS across VLANs
Another small follow-up. Assuming you're using Avahi (or a fork of it), it seems that NSEC reordering causes malformed packets over there too: However, I...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Problems with mDNS across VLANs
For what it's worth, I believe it's an issue with how the NSEC records are created. I got curious about it, so I manually "fixed" the binary offsets for the "next domain name" values (i.e. to point...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Problems with mDNS across VLANs
Hiya, I'm adding my situation to the list of mDNS issues. I've done some deeper digging though, so there's some newer information than I've seen in other threads. First, a brief explanation of my...