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Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:ER707-M2 IPV6 NAT and address reservation
@Clive_A Anyway, I've added a access control rule but nothing happened: Policy: Allow Service Type: All IP Type: IPv6 Direction: All Source: IPV6GROUP_ANY Destination: IPV6GROUP_ANY Effectiv time:...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:ER707-M2 IPV6 NAT and address reservation
@Clive_A Yes, the ISP provide me a static prefix. So I can create as much subnet as I need and assing public address to my device. As the IPv6 address are public, I hope there are no default...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:ER707-M2 IPV6 NAT and address reservation
@Clive_A Ok, now it is clear. Actually I don't need the DHCPv6. SLAAC can be used as well. Simply the device choose its own address based on its mac address and it is static. But it seems this...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
ER707-M2 IPV6 NAT and address reservation
Hi team!!! I have an ER707-M2 IPV6 that correctly receives a fixed IPv6 prefix from the ISP and I want to assign an IPv6 address to a server connected to one of the ports. To assign the address I can...