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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-07-03 13:02:36
Add DNS Proxy on ER7212PC
I want to use DoH/DoT but the ER7212PC doesn't have it. I have considered using another device such as the ER605 or ER7206, but those don't have PoE or integrated controller, so I will need to add 2...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-07-03 07:05:27
Is there a way to set up IPTV bridge over an APs spare LAN?
Hi, I am looking to buy an ER7212PC with 2 EAP245/EAP265 APs. Since those have an extra LAN port, I was wondering if it is possible to set it up as an IPTV port, rather than an internet port? If not...