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Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Re:Issues setting up Mullvad on OC200 - Traffic Not Routing
Hey one more question while I have you here ☺️ Does the controller support dns over https or tls? Is there a guide for this as well? Mullvad offers this and I would like to take advantage if I can....
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Re:Issues setting up Mullvad on OC200 - Traffic Not Routing
@Hank21 thank you so much for your response, this is exactly what I was looking for. I will try this tonight and report back. Thank you!
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Issues setting up Mullvad on OC200 - Traffic Not Routing
Hello all! I am attempting to setup Mullvad as the only route for all traffic out of my network via a OC200 Hardware controller. I will provide the information I have so far below. Network Topology:...