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Forums/ WiFi
Re:eap620 vlan tagging
@Vincent-TP - thank you for the responses much appreciated. Re your side question, yes the vlans will use different subnets and DHCP servers but that is all controlled by my router. The eaps just...
Forums/ WiFi
eap620 vlan tagging
After some advice / user experience, after buying Deco X10 units for my home to replace an EAP225 set-up, as the TP-Link site says they support vlans but neglects to mention that they don't in AP...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
a week ago
Re:PA7017p tagged vlan setup
All, to clarify the comment on other pages about vlans being supported on power line adaptors is not correct, at least for some models. My pa7017p adaptors are not working with vlans and the engineer...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
3 weeks ago
Re:PA7017p tagged vlan setup
@Joseph-TP the post is on this site and is In addition as you say it basically a replication of an ethernet connection at layer...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
3 weeks ago
PA7017p tagged vlan setup
Is there anything that I need to do to setup these adaptor to allow tagged vlan traffic. Yes there are post that says this should work, its a layer 2 device so should work but there is another post...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2024-11-21 09:44:22
RE:Guest wlan to VLAN in AP mode in Deco M9+
@GeorgeBark no, my solution is to run the guest WiFi connected to the guest vlan from my routers WiFi only and for my work laptop that's too far away for the guest WiFi so I have used ethernet over...