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Forums/ WiFi
2017-09-21 00:13:50
Re:EAP-Software: Why not available for Linux / as Docker image
yup R1D2 this is our fault, we find solution on problem on manual, but not read completely from start to end ;-(
Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-16 17:10:18
Re:EAP-Software: Why not available for Linux / as Docker image
PeterL: sorry, Debian Jessie Proxmox as CT Debian Jessie on Physical Hardware Ubuntu 16.4 LT on VM Also tested on OpenJDK 7 jre
Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-16 00:55:03
Re:EAP-Software: Why not available for Linux / as Docker image
Hi R1D2, PeterL, MikeB, i have exactly the same problem on Debian Jessie Physical Hardware, Debian Jessie VM (Proxmox), Ubuntu 16.4 LTS VM (Proxmox) vm is not the problem , same problem on, physical...