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Forums/ Switches
2017-09-27 09:31:54
Re:keeping it simple
I tried IPSec but I couldnt figure out how to get it to autodial feature to keep the connections alive. If i use pptp or l2tp i can configure an autodial Maybe I am doing this all wrong what is the...
Forums/ Switches
2017-09-17 08:35:16
Re:How To Setup Remote Access To Router
maintenance > system tools > remote Management > Remote Management IP Address ( either the IP of the computer you plan to connect with or enter to allow any IP to connect )
Forums/ Switches
2017-09-17 03:20:16
Re:How To Setup Remote Access To Router
just the router ? or do you want to create a connection that gives you access to all the devices connected to the router
Forums/ Switches
2017-09-17 03:06:35
keeping it simple
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : I recently purchased two TL-R600VPN one for home and one for work. For my first attempt on router A. i enabled PPTP server and gave it a range, I...