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Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-29 06:55:13
Re:Re:Re:Re: Guest Network Isolation
Hi, According to your access control rule, it will forbid the communication between wireless clients which connect with this SSID and the wired/wireless devices in, and...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-28 08:28:14
Re:Configurable names for clients show in EAP controller
Hi Dolphin, Thank you for the suggestion. We will add the suggestion in our improvement suggestion list.
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-24 09:43:51
Source code template for External Web Portal (In Standalone Mode)
This document outlines the requirements when establishing an external web portal server. In standalone mode, External Web Portal can only be used when the portal authentication type is External...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-24 09:25:38
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:eap225 v3. 5Ghz Tx Errors/Dropped Packets
Hi Martin, We have already fixed this bug in the latest official firmware, you can download and upgrade it directly:...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-20 08:54:27
Re:free wifi
Hi, You can refer to the configuration guide of Facebook portal:...
Forums/ WiFi
2018-12-20 07:49:59
Re:Re:Re:Re:EAP320 Slow Wifi with QualComm QCA61x4A Wifi Cards
Hi Kockel, Thank you for your reply! Do you mean you have fixed this slow speed issue by upgrading the Window 10 OS to 15063.447?