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Forums/ WiFi
2019-02-21 18:18:59
Re:Re:EAP225 V3 FW improvement suggestions
I just noticed that for point c) there is already a confirmation dialogue in the UI. Good.
Forums/ WiFi
2019-02-21 17:50:19
Re:Re:Re: EAP225 V3 FW improvement suggestions
Hey R1D2, I share your objection about dialogues but in this particular case you probably agree that the 2 buttons "REboot" and "REset" in the UI are VERY close to each other. If you want to reboot...
Forums/ WiFi
2019-02-21 08:45:06
EAP225 V3 FW improvement suggestions
Hi TP, I have several small suggestions in order to improve the standard WEB admistrational inferface for the EAP225 V3 (or others) from a customer/user perspective for a single EAP confirguration...
Forums/ WiFi
2019-02-19 21:34:34
Re:Re:EAP225-V3 auto-reboot
Hi Jonas, thanks for taking this further..guess you have agile development processes :) Both underlaying features are already available in V3 FW 2.40 which are "Scheduler" (AP on/off) and the...
Forums/ WiFi
2019-02-18 21:25:44
EAP225-V3 auto-reboot
Hi there, I am using EAP225 on a private basis (single AP) and with web-management (via IP) only. Provided functionalities via web access are quite good but I am missing one essential function which...