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Forums/ Video Recorders
2022-11-08 17:26:17
Re:NVR1008H + wireless adapter
@greggentoo You can use a router like TL-WR902AC in client mode. USB port is made to copy video on USB key.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2022-09-22 07:03:38
Re:Full compatibility between Tapo camera and VIGI NVR1008H
It works but only standard detection is working. AI, line and area detection are not usable. We can't control the night light too.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-09-17 17:08:56
Wifi reconnect when signal is low
Hello ! I will be better if wifi try to reconnect when wifi signal is low. When there's a power problem and the power is back the camera are connecting to a low signal because it diffuses early but...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-09-01 14:11:28
Re:C320WS Hardware Version 1.0 unable to update to firmware 1.1.21
@MKDa I have the same bug. 5 cameras but only one can update to firmware 1.1.21, 4 can't.
Forums/ Video Recorders
2022-08-26 17:56:30
NVR1008H Expansion Storage & Long-term Storage working or not ?
Hello ! In user guide it's written : Expansion Storage (Only for VIGI NVR1016H) and Long-term Storage (Only for VIGI NVR1016H) But it my NVR1008H I have these 2 options without any warning. Is it...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-08-26 12:30:13
New firmware detection bug !
Hello ! There's a bug in firmware detection for C320WS. I have 5 cameras on 1.1.20 firmware. One of them ask to update to firmware 1.1.21, 4 of them say my firmware is up to date.