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Forums/ Deco
2020-06-01 01:56:17
Re:When is the firmware update coming up for Deco P9?
@ncoder007 I contacted support regarding availability / timeline for new firmware for the P9 and received the below response! "so if you want to update the firmware of it, please go to the Deco App...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-19 12:49:05
Re:Deco P9 Maturity
@lohr500 If you're willing to telnet into the devices and manually edit the config files, it is possible to disable the wifi backhaul and force use of PCL (Feature should really be configurable via...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-19 12:44:30
Re:Deco P9 Maturity
@wcg I've messaged support; requesting details / timescales for availability of new firmware, or how to access newer revisions of the beta firmware. Will post if I recieve any info!
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-16 18:08:18
Re:New Firmware - Deco P9
@jpasan Check your logs, I'm constantly getting the following error ("daemon.err /usr/bin/apsd: apsd_get_active_ports:214: Error: No such interface 24" appear in log files?) and also seeing 100% CPU...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-14 15:40:42
Re:Deco P9 Maturity
Hi All, Apologies somewhat off topic, but wondering if anyone else is see the repeated error "daemon.err /usr/bin/apsd: apsd_get_active_ports:214: Error: No such interface 24" appear in log files?...