Following: 2Followers: 4
Forums/ Controllers
2022-09-13 02:00:38
Re:TL-SG3452P "crashes"
@Thoemu The new firmware seems to have some issues, you may downgrade to the previous firmware for use.
Forums/ WiFi
2022-09-06 02:42:13
Re:eap660 hd killer wifi crashes
@jd12 From the forum posts, it's hard to tell whether it's the AP issue, did you test the killer wifi card with other APs? Did you contact Killer support to look into this? What does the killer...
Forums/ Switches
2022-08-24 03:52:40
Re:TL-SG108PE switch sending frequent layer 2 broadcast packets, protocol = 0x8899
@Hazza06 Why this protocol? I think it's decided by the chipset manufacturer Realtek. Multiple small desktop switches by other vendors such as netgear also use this Realtek Ether-type (0x8899) for...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-17 05:46:44
Re:OC300-EAP225, 2 AP-s are disconnect a lot of time...
@Noling Hi, you need to open the port on your router.
Forums/ Routers
2022-08-02 01:37:40
Re:PPPOE failed to connect to server because IPCP negotation failed and local ipv4 addresses duplicate
@Chris2020 As the log indicates, local IPv4 addresses duplicate. It seems the assigned IP addresses conflict with those of online users. I think you may need to contact your friend to check the IP...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-27 05:47:19
Re:Omada Controller software sends alert emails to itself, instead of admin email address
@MK4L MK4L wrote Omada Controller software sends alert emails to itself, to configured sender address, instead of admin email address. Any clue? Controller software version: 4.4.6 Example (mind the...