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Forums/ Controllers
By TheWookie 2021-03-28 15:55:10

Block Inappropriate Content

My apologies if already posted somewhere but I can't seem to find it. I am trying to limit access to inappropriate websites from this LAN set-up (e.g. adult content). I can see were I can create rules
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Xstreem 2020-12-20 14:29:07

mDNS Service

Hello I was wondering in Omada where I can find the mDNS service ? I have a TL-R605 router but some IoT devices (especially the once that use Apple HomeKit) do not work or better are unreachable when
Forums/ Controllers
By thekwasti 2021-02-16 11:13:50

Omada Switch ACLs for established state

Hi there, just started my Omada SDN Setup. The main parts are: * Controller OC200 v1.0 (Firmware 1.7.3 Build 20201119 Rel.63433, Controller Version 4.2.8) * Gateway TL-R605 v1.0 (Firmware 1.0.0) * Swi