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Forums/ Switches
By wendland 2023-09-25 19:52:34

Power Down POE Port for saving energy at night (e.g. Access Point)

I have the following Omada system. ER7207 switche TL-SG3428XMP v1.0 I would like to switch off some POE devices (i.e. individual ports) at night and start them again in the morning. So turn it off com
Forums/ WiFi
By TimothyLambert 2023-08-02 16:49:21

Whatsapp Stuck on clock and takes minute to send messages on WiFi

We recently went full Live with Omada at the Hotel. We are noticing issues though with Whatsapp. Messages stay stuck on clock symbol for about a minute before getting sent out. Browsing works fine. An
Forums/ Routers
By wendland 2023-09-06 10:11:43

Limit bandwidth for a specific IP

I have the following Omada system. ER7207 switches TL-SG3428XMP v1.0 and 3 APs. Wireless clients can very practically throttle in bandwidth. Unfortunately, it is not so easy with individual PCs that a
Forums/ WiFi
By wendland 2023-04-24 20:30:40

Problem with sending and receiving WhatsApp messages

SETUP: ER7206 v1.0 [FW1.3.0] TL-SG3428XMP v1.0 [FW1.0.11] EAP660 HD(EU) v1.0 [FW1.1.1] EAP610-Outdoor(EU) v1.0 [FW1.1.3] Controller self-hosted. V5.9.31 For a long time I have had the problem that sma
Forums/ Routers
By LolleQ 2023-03-01 11:57:01

Just installed 1.2.3_20230224 (Beta)

Well, finally - Wireguard VPN on ER7206! Works fine, without any problems - I can confirm. Good work, devs team - keep it going that way :-) TP-Link and Omada starts looking like serious contender to