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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Xstreem 2020-12-20 14:29:07

mDNS Service

Hello I was wondering in Omada where I can find the mDNS service ? I have a TL-R605 router but some IoT devices (especially the once that use Apple HomeKit) do not work or better are unreachable when
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By lacrimal 2022-05-20 11:47:21

Omada + TL-R605 identifying downlink ports on router.

I don't know and can't obtain information about port connection between TL-R605 and TL-SG2008P on TL-R605 side. I think it should be displayed as #3 <- -> #8 i believe. Only information i have is this
Forums/ Controllers
By lacrimal 2022-05-09 07:53:58

[5.3.1] Legend for device TL-SG2008P

Hi, In Omada controller, legend for TL-SG2008P is pretty extended, as I understand, I can't have more than 1000Mbps per port. Why legend prints color codes for more than 1000Mbps ? From other hand, I
Forums/ Controllers
By lacrimal 2022-04-14 12:22:07

Bad results with omada speedtest, cant perform it on demand.

Hi, Have current omada software controller v5.1.7 with TL-R605 v1.2.0. Have two problems: 1. Can't perform speedtest on-demand - schedule gives min 10 hours to wait. 2. Network capacity result differs
Forums/ Routers
By lacrimal 2022-04-01 18:37:12

TL-R605 port 8080

Hi, Want to configure service "Virtual Server" port on my TL-R605 router WAN, port 8080. It is impossible. There is filtered service there and service just not work. Worse is that on LAN side on 8080
Forums/ Routers
By AlbertKinterma 2021-10-09 03:14:23

TL-R605 hardware specs

Hello, I'd like to know what the exact hardware specs are for the R605 including the specs for the hardware components. Particularly, 1. CPU (I know it's a quad core MIPS processor, but can't find mor