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Forums/ Safestream Routers
By dfalessi 2023-01-04 08:28:32 used by my modem and tl-r470t+

Hi, I am connecting my tl-r470t+ to two modems. One modem uses as a base IP to connect and configure as my tl-r470t+. The main problem is that tl-r470t+ cannot connect to the modem (likely
Forums/ Routers
By dfalessi 2023-01-02 10:38:35

tl-r470t+ cannot connet to WLAN via powerline

Hi, I am connecting modem2 to WAN2 and modem1 via powerline (TP-Link TL-PA4010) to WAN1. tl-r470t+ connects to WAN2 but it does not connect to WAN1 (I have tried all the possible configurations). If I