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Forums/ Routers
By Alonsan 2023-03-11 15:39:47

Site-to-Site with fix IP on one side only

Hi, We have ER7206 on two site, currently both sites with fix IP so site-to-site is working very well. We want to switch to dynamic IP in one site (Starlink) and keep the fix IP in the other. It is st
Forums/ Controllers
By Alonsan 2023-02-27 13:08:16

OC200(V2) with EAP245(V1)

Hi, It is possible to connect them tohether? Alon
Forums/ WiFi
By Alonsan 2023-02-27 13:06:53

EAP245(V1) with OC200(V2)

Hi, It is possible to connect the EAP245 (V1) with OC200 (V2). We can see "device is not compatible" message. Alon