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Forums/ Routers
By Warlocc 2024-02-07 00:40:50

ER8411 is a mess

Today I noticed my DHCP client list was missing about 25 devices. They all work fine, they're just not on the list. So I tried updating firmware, since I read something about a DHCP fix. If I use any
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Alex_UTS 2023-09-06 11:41:10

[FEATURE REQUEST]: ER8411 - add LAN LAG (Link Aggregation) feature

Hi Team, @Fae , Could you please tell - do you have in your roadmap a plan to add LAG to ER8411? And can this model support the LAG feature at all? Thank you!
Forums/ Routers
By Warlocc 2023-11-01 19:48:09

Failover doesn't work

Seems that failover doesn't work on the TL-ER620 if the connection is down but an IP is detected. It doesn't start working until I actually go in and totally disconnect the bad WAN.