Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Add Local DNS and supply documentation for Local DNS on ER707-m2
Please add local DNS support to ER707-M2 for all HW versions and provide Documentation on how to configure it via Omada Controller User-Story: I have around 200 Network-Devices in my Home-Lab local La
Requests & Suggestions
2025-02-18 12:17:34
Add local DNS to ER707-M2 and ER8411
Request / Issue is same as you can find in ER605 post.
2025-02-18 23:51:32
ER707M2 - Local DNS server - missing ??
Hi - as a small business user on ER707-M2 does it support feature of a local DNS server ? Have not found how/where to enable this on ER707M2 as managed by OC200 via Omada Was under impression that wou
Requests & Suggestions
2022-04-02 23:09:06
Add local DNS server to ER605
Please add a local DNS server, like dnsmasq, to the ER605. It's a bug for a business router that's running DHCP to not be able to resolve local host names.