Windows displays "Open browser, Action needed" when connected to mesh, thinks there is no internet
I have had the OC200 with several (14ish) EAP-225 Outdoor successfully without issue for many events over several years, however I've recently rebuilt the network from scratch and also added a TP-Link ER7206 router to take the DHCP away from the Zyxel 4G box. The Zyxel is connected to the router’s dedicated WAN port, and the mesh root AP is connected via the LAN port.
The network configuration is pretty vanilla, however when the Windows clients connect to the network they show either "No internet connection" (Windows 10) or "Open browser, Action Needed" (Windows 11). I know the captive portal stuff has been expanded in recent software versions, but that is all turned off, but the behaviour on the Windows clients is as if its turned on.
Clicking on the “Open browser, action needed” link in Windows 11 takes you momentarily to the 'msftconnecttest,com/redirect' address you sometime see on captive portals, but internet connectivity is available. Many apps however use Windows' connection status to determine if they 'can work'.
My Android phone does not report any issues. I cannot fathom what mesh / OC200 setting is causing this, can anyone please shed any light?
Many thanks,