EAP215 Omada setup....
I am setting up a remote site using the EAP215 Bridge Kit. The Omada controller is setup with two sites, and one bridge is on each side and seems to be working OK.
- It appears that both bridges have to be associated with one site or the other. I can set them up to be in different sites, but then they will not link. Is it best to have them both on the main site (where the controller and the Internet connection is), or better to have them configured to the remote site, or does it matter?
- The Omada site is showing a small amount of interferance in the signal between the bridges. What is an acceptable amount of interferance? I am working on moving WiFi signals to different channels to help alliviate some of the interferance, but I don't want to spend too much time working on the interferance if not needed.
- Beyond moving WiFi channels, keeping obstructions from between the bridges, making sure they are aimed well, is there anything else to do that can improve performance between the bridges? My remote site is about .1 miles away. Can you adjust packet sizes, or do anything else tune the communication between bridges?
- Is there a good reason to have two sites setup in Omada, or should I just set it up as one site? Niether site is very complicated from a topology standpoint.
Thank you!