Can User Name and Password be Provided for OpenVPN Client ? - ER605 - OC200 - TL-SG2008P
I have a NordVPN account and when I run the NordVPN client - it automatically connects to the server with my username and password .
If I use either of two other stand alone clients - it prompts me for my user name and password .
Is there a way to imbed the user name and password into the configuration file ? Or is there a way for the OpenVPN client function to facilitate prompting for or auto supplying the user name and password ?
In another thread - I describe how my inter-vlan access is blocked when I run the 3rd party OpenVPN software .
Ordinarily I can access 192.168.44.x from 192.168.22.x . However, when I run a separate OpenVPN client, the access is blocked, even though I have set up an IP Group switch ACL .
The ACL is not needed when the OpenVPN client is not connected .