Be Able to Change "Host name" of Light Switchs, Plugs, instead of H103
it be nice when you set up the plugs and light switchs that when you setup a name for the plug or switch
that you can erase the H103 and the other labels
as i re program them in Pfsense by mac address.. but when i use Tplink EAP650s it doesnt get the host names it also labels it H103
so its bypassing the ARP from Pfsense... and other devices like ESP32 devices you add a hostname in it and its saved.. so be nice to overwrite H103
when you have like 50 Tplink devices it be nice to be able to see what they are instead of a list of H103s or what nots in Pfsense or EAP650
so be nice to over ride it with the name you give when you set it up in the Kassa App