Any plans to support non Twilio SMS providers for Indian market
Are their any plans to support non-Twilio SMS providers. We are not looking to replace the entire hotspot service just the REST part where we get an OTP sent to users for authentication. The reason is Twilio's ever increasing charges in our country India (We understand this is a problem at Indian operator side, but that is not enough to resolve the issue for customers)
Twilio Charges for SMS messaging in US are 0.0079$ per SMS while that for India are 0.0682$ per SMS or nearly 9 times lesser if the site in US. In last 2-3 years, India SMS rates have climbed from a practical 0.01$ to almost 0.07$ per SMS. at 0.01$ itself the SMS rates were way more than what local providers offer, but when you increase it 7 times, it becomes totally absurd
We will have to abandon SMS authentication if things continue at this rate. Another option is for Twilio to deploy their servers in India.