Consulta Log Registro
Hola buenas noches. Soy MacCan, un novato en serios problemas buscando informacion.
Por favor necesito ayuda para interpretar la informacion que aparece continuamente en los registros.
Advierto que llevo meses con problemas de toda índole en la red de casa, y estoy bastante sugestionado.
Lo cierto es que recientemente cambiamos a DIGI, e inmediatamente adquirimos un router (Archer ax10) que en principio se conecto como punto final, desactivando prácticamente al de la compañía (ZTE - sin descuidar la seguridad) para pasar a ser básicamente un módem con Voip.
Al poco de ello y viendo algunas anomalias en la app Tether, decidí revisar el ZTE y me quedé a cuadros. Todo modificado: hora, serv actualiz hora, las 6 SSID activas, y un montón de etc. Reset a ambos (el Archer ni si quiera lo revisé) y a empezar de vuelta. Controlando diariamente, otra vez los mismos problemas. Decidí llamar a la compañía y no me ofrecen una solucion concreta. Lo que si me facilitaron los parámetros para conectar en PPPOE el TP Link directamente a la ONT y tener unicamente datos.
Ahora estoy conectando en Archer y veo unas cosas raras en el log que os dejo a continuación para ver si me podéis esclarecer si esto es normal o no. Ademas mientras lo estaba configurando lancé un netstat a traves del powershell y me quede impresionantemente acojonado porque aquello iba mas rápido que Matrix, (pego tambien a continuación al menos una parte porque es muy largo y no quisiera abusar de vuestro tiempo siendo que lo mismo es algo normal. Desde ya muchas gracias por cualquier comentario o informacion que me pudieseis aportar. Saludos.
2021-11-03 01:20:11 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_ON
2021-11-03 01:20:11 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-03 01:20:11 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_ON
2021-11-02 22:33:42 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_ON
2021-11-02 22:33:42 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:42 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:34 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:34 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_ON
2021-11-02 22:33:34 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:32 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:32 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-02 22:33:32 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:15 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_ON
2021-11-02 21:50:15 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:15 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:12 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:12 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_ON
2021-11-02 21:50:12 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:10 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:10 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-02 21:50:10 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 20:54:13 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_ON
2021-11-02 20:54:13 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN0_OFF
2021-11-02 20:54:13 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run LAN_OFF
2021-11-02 20:32:42 Vinculación IP&MAC NOTICIA [1930] IP and MAC C8:5B:76:59:D6:F4 bound succeeded
2021-11-02 20:32:35 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [2201] ARP Binding enabled
2021-11-02 20:28:57 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WAN1_ON
2021-11-02 16:39:46 Seguridad Básica INFO [17532] Service start
2021-11-02 16:39:46 Seguridad Básica NOTICIA [17532] Flush conntrack table succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:45 Control de Acceso INFO [17487] Service start
2021-11-02 16:39:45 Control de Acceso INFO [17487] Function disabled
2021-11-02 16:39:44 Firewall INFO [16776] Service start
2021-11-02 16:39:41 Firewall INFO [16776] Service stop
2021-11-02 16:39:39 UPnP INFO [16681] Service stop
2021-11-02 16:39:37 Gestión Remota INFO [16225] Service stop
2021-11-02 16:39:34 NAT INFO [15583] Initialization succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:34 NAT INFO [15583] Initialization succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:32 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [15498] Daemon connection succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:32 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [15498] ARP Binding disabled
2021-11-02 16:39:32 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [15498] Config interface initialization succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:32 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [15498] Initialization succeeded
2021-11-02 16:39:26 QoS INFO [15175] Service start
2021-11-02 16:39:25 QoS INFO [15175] Function disabled
2021-11-02 16:39:25 QoS INFO [15175] Service stop
2021-11-02 16:39:20 QoS INFO [14738] Service start
2021-11-02 16:39:19 QoS INFO [14738] Function disabled
2021-11-02 16:39:19 QoS INFO [14738] Service stop
2021-11-02 16:39:13 NAT INFO [13345] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:43 QoS INFO [8808] Function disabled
2021-04-20 00:00:43 Firewall INFO [7487] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:43 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run GENERAL
2021-04-20 00:00:39 Estadísticas de Tráfico INFO [6519] stats reset
2021-04-20 00:00:38 Firewall INFO [7487] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:38 NAT INFO [7590] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:37 NAT INFO [7590] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:36 Control Parental INFO [7470] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:36 Control Parental INFO [7470] Function disabled
2021-04-20 00:00:36 Seguridad Básica INFO [7113] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:36 Seguridad Básica NOTICIA [7113] Flush conntrack table succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:35 UPnP INFO [7291] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso INFO [6627] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso NOTICIA [6627] Flush conntrack table succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso INFO [6627] Function enabled
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso DEPURAR [6627] white list add mac: C8:5B:76:59:D6:F4
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso DEPURAR [6627] white list add mac: 10:B1:F8:11:21:E3
2021-04-20 00:00:34 Control de Acceso DEPURAR [6627] white list add mac: BE:BB:E8:5C:C2:B3
2021-04-20 00:00:32 Gestión Remota INFO [6648] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:32 Firewall INFO [5200] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:31 Estadísticas de Tráfico INFO [6506] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:31 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [6461] Daemon connection succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:31 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [6461] ARP Binding disabled
2021-04-20 00:00:31 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [6461] Config interface initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:31 Vinculación IP&MAC INFO [6461] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:28 Reset de fábrica INFO [5901] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:27 Control de Acceso PELIGRO [5676] firewall framework is not loaded
2021-04-20 00:00:27 NAT INFO [5468] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:26 NAT INFO [5468] Initialization succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:25 Firewall INFO [5200] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:24 UPnP INFO [5129] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:22 Seguridad Básica INFO [4627] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:22 Seguridad Básica NOTICIA [4627] Flush conntrack table succeeded
2021-04-20 00:00:21 Firewall INFO [3775] Service start
2021-04-20 00:00:18 Gestión Remota INFO [4025] Service stop
2021-04-20 00:00:17 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WIFI2G_ON
2021-04-20 00:00:17 Controlador Led INFO [911] Start to run WIFI5G_ON
2021-04-20 00:00:00 Configuración Horaria INFO [940] Service start
1970-01-01 00:00:08 Controlador Led INFO [911] Service start