Omada_SDN_Controller_v4.1.5_linux_x64 cannot start
Just saw today that the new Omada SDN controller 4.1.5 is out.
downloaded from
after trying to put things into my docker container, I realized the release is very broken
1. in the release note, it still says Built-in JRE 1.8 Java environment.
but when I inspect the tarball, the entire /jre directory is gone, and when I check the
the JRE_HOME changed from "${OMADA_HOME}/jre" to "$( readlink -f "$( which java )" | sed "s:bin/.*$::" )"
so basically tpeap is now looking for the jvm from the system instead.
is this a mistake? it will be much nicer if tplink can pack the jre as what's indicated in the release note so my container can be easier to build
2. missing mongod from the /bin directory
after I tried to fix the JRE problem (Oracle made this super hard to download the JRE from their website now, requires a login, so I use openJDK 8 instead for now)
my server hang while starting up, I check the /logs/server.log and it says failed to start mongod
then I realized the mongod binary is missing??? so is the Omanda controller expecting mongo from the system as well now? or the file was not packed in the tarball somehow?
thanks for the help