TPLINK SG3428MP - Voice VLAN SNOM D765 Issues
We have a trunk link between two switches One Cisco 2960 and the other TPLINK.
The voip phone gains ip address with DHCP Server on the ISP side with Cisco gear.
But not with TPLINK Switch.
We have routing because I can see the mac address table with voice vlan passing trough the TPLINK but its not enough.
Cisco side:
switchport mode trunk
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
spanning-tree bpdufilter disable
spanning-tree bpduguard disable
spanning-tree guard none
TP Link side:
vlan 121
name "VoiceVLAN"
voice vlan 121
interface x --->Trunk link
switchport general allowed vlan x, 121 tagged
interface x --->voip phone
voice vlan
the equipment don't get registered.
The VOIP model its a SNOM D765.
Could you please be so kind to help us with something?
Best Regards,