CPE210 constantly rebooting
So ive had 3 CPE210 for a year now and have had them working okay. However, after a windstorm and several power outages at the start of the month, the pole the access point was on folded on itself.
So I had tried plugging it in on the ground with the Ethernet cord, got no connect or lights on the AP CPE210. Got a new Ethernet cord, lights came on, wireless came on for a second, then the device restarted itself. Tried it with a short Ethernet cable, same effect. Thought maybe it got hit and damaged.
Grabbed the third CPE that I use as a client, turned it into an AP in place of the first one. Worked fine, but lost connection once in a while still. Next day starts to disconnect more often, I thought it was doing it because it kept changing the channel each time. Tried to change the settings to lock it to one channel, kept disconnecting from my laptop. Tried resetting it, still keeps disconnecting so often I can't change anything for it to be saved. Tried changing power packs, same result. Just keeps turning on and off, same as the first one.
Originally client is still working fine tho, it was up for 15 days since the power outage until I reset it. I can't figure out what is wrong in the setup as I've replaced each piece with parts I know work as a client. Only difference is the location and power. I am open to buying something that could still work with my CPE210s as clients, Im running out of choices for a fix.