Getting SSL Invalid Key Error on Uploading SSL Cert from Lets Encrypt
Just upgraded to 5.12.7 and noticed that logging in started giving me the untrusted SSL error.
I tried running my automated renewal process with Lets Encrypt, but it appeared to have broken with the upgrade so I went to do the SSL cert process manually.
Here is what I did:
I went in and regenerated my SSL certificate using Lets Encrypt on the controller VM. I copied the files to my local workstation and tried to upload them into the controller, but am getting this error message: Invalid key, please make sure the file is RSA encrypted.
I checked the server.log file and am getting a VERY long stack trace that it won't me copy into here or it will flag it as a link for some reason. The stack trace states invalid RSA private key even though this is definitely a valid cert and key file.
I am using the PEM selection with the privkey.pem file for my SSL key and have tried importing cert.pem, fullchain.pem, and chain.pem as the certificate. All combinations cause the exact same error message.
The command I used to generate the key was this (removed personal info and hostname):
sudo certbot certonly --non-interactive -m <email> --agree-tos --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials /usr/local/share/certbot/secrets/cloudflare.ini -d <hostname>
Is anybody else experiencing this issue or have a workaround?