Can same Voucher Code use in different site?

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Can same Voucher Code use in different site?

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Can same Voucher Code use in different site?
Can same Voucher Code use in different site?
2024-07-02 06:14:24
Model: OC200  
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version: 5.0.30

I am using an OC200 and 5 units of EAP225 on site 1.  I generated voucher from Portal and distribute to workers in an estate.

I am planning to setup another set of OC200 + EAP 225 on site 2 with different ISP. Is there any settings where the same voucher will be able to use both in site 1 & 2.


Please advice.

1 Reply
Re:Can same Voucher Code use in different site?
2024-07-03 03:10:30

 Hi @BTSB 


Currently, the vouchers are randomly generated, and one voucher manager for one site. That is to say, we can't use the same voucher code in different sites.

Thanks for bringing this to us. I'll make sure to log this feature request and pass it along to the related team.
