RSSI Threshold Ignored
I've been experiencing issues with smart devices connecting to VERY FAR away APs and getting signal levels in the -85+ range. I have set an RSSI threshold on the AP's to -75, and confirmed that there is good signal (usually -60ish) available for the device to connect to a different AP, but for some reason they keep insisting on connecting to the AP's with really low signal. Fast roaming and AI roaming are both enabled. Forcing a re-connect rarely solves the issue (even doing it dozens of times!). I've tried locking to AP's, but then the device just doesn't connect at all. Sometimes a reboot of a specific AP that has higher signal at the device resolves the issue, but not always. I do NOT want to have to set up 12+ SSID's for the network just because this is an issue. Are there other options/things I can try to resolve this?