DHCP on EAP245 TP Link AC1750
I am considering buying an EAP245 TP Link AC1750.
My curent topolgy is as follows...
I have an ActionTec MI424WR as gateway to FIOS internet.
The wireless radio is turned off intentionally.
The ActionTec feeds a Cisco SG100-16 Gigabit switch.
All of my wired devices are connect to this LAN.
In addition, I have a Zyxel X-550 connected so that an ethernet cable from the LAN on the Cisco switch is plugged into the WAN port on the Zyxel.
The Zyxel has DHCP turned on and set to a different Private IP addess range than the ActionTec.
The Zyxel has the wireless radio turned on and is ONLY used to connect wireless clients to the internet.
Wireless clients like smartphones only see other wireless clients, the Zyxel router, and the internet.
They do not see the ActionTec or any wired client.
That is intentional.
The Zyxel is very old and slow.
I would like to replace it with the EAP245, but I do not know if the EAP245 can perform the same function with DHCP turned on.
Can anyone tell me if it will work for me to keep my wireless and wired devices isolated from one another?