Management vlan (e.g. vlan160) IP address not accesible from ethernet port
From different reason we can not use management vlan vlanID "1". Switch is connected to router with a one ethernet trunk dot1q, with more vlan inside. So I configured VLAN 160 - which is part of trunk, set IP address for Vlan 160. This ip address is reachable from router and it is working properly.
interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1
description "connection_to_router"
speed 100
switchport general allowed vlan 160,181,300 tagged
no switchport general allowed vlan 1
interface vlan 160
ip address
description "mng"
no ipv6 enable
///The next, an ethernet port is set ass access port with Vlan160 untag.
interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2
switchport general allowed vlan 160 untagged
no switchport general allowed vlan 1
///the isue is, after PC connection to interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2, PC is not able to ping
In wireshark I see arp from PC, but switch does not answer. In case I check it with VLAN1 instead vlan 160 it is working without any problem.Did I forget to configure anything?
thanks a lot for your hints,