Trunk Port
I have pfsense firewall. and I configure 4 VLANs on it. As mentioned below. Also, I have purchased TP-Link T1600G-28PS managed switch.
VLAN10 >>
VLAN 20 >>
VLAN30 >>
VLAN50 >>
Question: I have created 4 VLANs on my PFsense and configured DHCP on it (on a single interface). I have connected it to switch. and I want to provide VLAN 10 to all my Management devices. VLAN20 to VMs which is hosted on Management ESXI Node. and VLAN30 & VLAN 50 to wireless clients. But on the switch, I am not able to see the trunk port option,
Is anyone have any idea about it how to configure it on the T1600G-28PS switch?