connecting 2 networks, don't see WLAN IP address options
I bought a pair of CPE510 devices to build a new network about a mile away from my existing network. I think I know enough about statically routed IPV4 to build this network, I just don't see the IP options for the WLAN interfaces and I know enough to know that it seldom "just works" if you don't think it out and configure it.
Existing network: - existing router to internet (does DNS, DHCP, etc) - ready to be the LAN IP of the CPE510
plenty of other existing devices on this network, all using the .1 router to access internet
New network: - ready to be the LAN IP of the CPE510, will be router for this whole network - ready to be the IP addresses of 4 computers on this network which I want to go over the WLAN link back to the existing network
I have the CPE510 up and running that I want to use for the existing network. I chose "access point" in the quick connect options and was able to configure the LAN port to be I was able to configure the wireless SSID, etc. I just don't see any options for setting up the IP information on the WLAN interface. How can that be?
I'm sure I can do the same thing with the other CPE510, choose "client" on the quick connect... not sure what all options it will give me and without configuring the WLAN network I don't see how it could possibly work.
If I do this and never set any IP information on the WLAN interfaces will it somehow work? Do I need to select a different option other than "access point" to gain access to the IP information for WLAN? Am I over thinking things?