Moved my Controller to a new VLAN and now all my switches are showing "Disconnected"
Im on the current software controller. I moved the pc that the has the software controller on it to the same VLAN that i had moved all my Cameras too as that PC was also the BlueIris Machine for recording the cameras. Everything is working fine, but the Omada GUI is useless.
Oh, and the and the clients tab is blank.
I have turned off the Windows Firewall to rule that out
I have checked the 3 ACL tabs in the Controller, not rules defined.
I can telnet (ports) from the Controllers Windows host on 80 & 443, but NOT on 29811-29816 ports. I checked those ports from other devices, they are not open from other devices either. Checked Router and 1 of the switches.
Rebooted one of the switches. No change. All Status are Red Boxed Disconnected.
Based on being able to telnet to all devices on other VLANs from that host, routing to them is working.
I changed the IP address to the new VLAN 20 address that host is now on. No difference. -Bill