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Forums/ Deco
15 hours ago
Re:Poor signal
@Sjones369 You can use powerline adapter, but one that is in the house must be plugged to Main Deco (or to Satellite Deco), not to modem/router. I suggest getting TP-Link brand of powerline adapters,...
Forums/ Deco
15 hours ago
Re:Cannot connect via ethernet
@nayuval I am not sure if this brand is or is not compatible with Deco mesh Ethernet backhaul. Try the test I suggested, also review the following TP-Link FAQ: General questions about Ethernet...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Cannot connect via ethernet
@nayuval Satellites should automatically use Ethernet, if switch is compatible. What is switch brand and model number? You can also test by connecting Satellite directly to Main Deco, instead of...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Enabling eco mode in mesh for one device
@akinomeroglu Devices should not roam back and forth so often, you may have different issue you are trying to fix the wrong way. Answering your question: it is not possible to reduce signal on one...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco X50 ethernet backhaul doesn't work.
@renaatdb Try this: bring that X50 Outdoor to where Deco BE85, connect them with short Ethernet cable and use X50 Outdoor power supply to power it on. This is what you will have: Deco BE85 ---> Deco...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco m4 cant reach the maximum speed of my line
@Nick04 You could try that. I would also suggest to ensure that when you run speed tests, your device is connected to Main Deco. Try this: 1. Delete all Deco units from Deco mesh; 2. Delete Deco...