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Forums/ Controllers
2021-12-24 13:49:24
Re:Omada SDN, TL-R605, and Camera Devices Fixed IP Problem
@Virgo Merry Christmas! Thanks for the reply. Yes, the allocated IP is within the DHCP range. When can we expect the new firmware V5 (for Omada SDN I believe)? Cheers
Forums/ Controllers
2021-12-23 06:34:14
Omada SDN, TL-R605, and Camera Devices Fixed IP Problem
I run an Omada system, including a TL-R605 as my router, 1 x EAP265HD, 1 x EAP245, and 2 x EAP115 as access points. The Camera, I am using (only one IP camera as of now), is a Tapo C200. As of now, I...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-28 11:51:37
Re:Fixed IP, different DHCP assigned IP
@Fae Hey there. I am also facing the same issue, and unfortunately, with the same Tapo C200 camera. Using TP-link TL-R605 router. Can you please help me get the beta firmware? Thanks.