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Forums/ Deco
2021-03-30 07:36:24
Re:Scheduled reboot
Also add me to the wish list to have scheduled reboot. I think that adding a power plug with wifi to schedule power cycle is not a good viable option becouse you have to add three more wifi device to...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-29 13:16:20
Re:Scheduled reboot
Add also me for M4 scheduled reboot request. The smart plug is not a viable option considering I should add 3 more wifi or zigbee devices for a work that. Oils be basically added the firmware devices!
Forums/ Switches
2020-12-22 11:43:37
Re:[SNMP] Access IP Traffic Statistics via SNMP
@MattiaG Same result here with a TL-R470T+ I found the ip addresses used in my network (ipNetToMediaTable - OID . but no info on traffic as available in the device web page......