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Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-19 03:39:56
Re:Client Not Showing in Omada SDN
@bd1859 it's stated that ipv6 feature will be added in their future firmware updates. so we gotta wait for months
Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-17 11:42:53
Re:Client Not Showing in Omada SDN
@MaziarR yeah it is a software glitch for tl-r605. I hope they fix it in their updates whenever that is . hello at tplink fix this bug for tl-r605 in latest firmware update maybe add ipv6 feature...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-06 20:49:11
Lan connection lost wont reconnect by creating a weird port forward rule BUG
my setup: WAN -> TL-r605 only 1 LAN port connected to switch -> T1500G-8T v2.0 -> computers and waps So I was tinkering with tl-r605 through omada v4.2.8 controller interface: wan only source port:...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-04 10:30:28
Re:Client Not Showing in Omada SDN
@symbiotic_ic we have the same problem. I have a lot of lan devices and they are not showing up. sometimes they would show then disappear for a long time. I hope tp-link fixes it in the next update
Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-30 06:52:52
Re:TL-R605 can't adopt
@Dillius what I did to adopt the tl-605 was to set the controller ip to 192.168.0.x the same subnet when you newly install tl-r605. it adopts well then you can change the ip from there. I hope they...