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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-11-20 16:59:50
Re:Kasa app for windows
This remains an extremely disappointing posture for TP-Link/Kasa platform. Just make an ubiquitously available web access interface and don't worry about an actual application for Windows. In a...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-10-25 14:04:11
Re:Omada Hardware Controller (ver 5.4.7) - Daily Speed Test Missing
This is disappointing to me, I hope the functionality is restored urgently and soon! The historical chart was always very helpful to detect ISP issues for me in the past. Now I'm blind and/or need to...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-14 04:04:09
Re:Local DNS
I'm amazed to find this to be true. Seriously, the router which provides DHCP addresses doesn't maintain local DNS entries?!? Please, this must be added. Along with DNS suffix entry.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-11 01:17:35
Re:OC200 unable to establish connection?
I stumbled on a resolution for my problem. I'm not sure how/why it fixed it, but viewing my controllers in the cloud view ( I selected the controller that...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-10 18:59:15
OC200 unable to establish connection?
I'm struggling to gain cloud access to an OC200. When I attempt to launch, I get the error that 'the controller is disconnected, we're going to reconnect the controller'. A 'Connection is...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-12-24 19:41:59
Re:EAP225-Outdoor Slow Speed
@Hoppo Saved me a lot of time and frustration! THANK YOU!!! Despite this finding being reported over a year ago, this must be a "bug" that they should fix with a firmware update. Makes no sense...