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Forums/ Controllers
2024-03-06 18:15:50
Re:Custom DDNS with duckdns in Omada Controler is not working [SOLVED]
@barrist i does'nt matter what you type into the password field. It's important that the token is in the url-field
Forums/ Controllers
2024-03-06 18:05:41
Re:Custom DDNS with duckdns in Omada Controler is not working [SOLVED]
@barrist i use it like this: h t t p s : / / w w w . d u c k d n s . o r g /update?domains=DOMAINNAME&token=TOKEN&ip=[IP]&[DOMAIN][USERNAME][PASSWORD] DOMAINNAME here is no...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-03-06 15:53:22
Re:Custom DDNS with duckdns in Omada Controler is not working [SOLVED]
@barrist you have to insert your domain and passwort in plain text in your url. The "omada" token are only placeholders. You can type in what ever you want. For me it works fine.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-06 19:10:43
Re:Custom DDNS with duckdns in Omada Controler is not working
@JaviDiez Do you have any solution for this problem. I have the same issue with dyndns from strato a german provider.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-11 10:06:01
Re:mDNS Service
I'm also interessted in this topic @Xstreem
Forums/ Controllers
2021-12-31 08:06:01
Dyndns from custom service provider
Hi, i try to add a custom dns service provider to my omada controlled router. But in the dns service dialog i can not choose custom dns provider. So i tried dyndns but here is no way to add an custom...