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Forums/ Routers
2022-09-29 14:34:06
Port Forwarding in ER605 from Cosmote Booster & Cosmote Oxygen (for Unraid server)
I did this settings to enable access to my Unraid from External places through the Unraid - MyServers and seems to be working fine The internal settings in ER605 are set to automatic-LoadBalance The...
Forums/ Routers
2022-06-08 09:41:56
Re:ER605 PassThrough of WiFi on Wan1 router to local n Remote Admin n monitor WANs insead of CPU...
@Tedd404 thanks, didn't actually expect answer so soon and to all together Thing is that bridge mode is not dowable, wan1 is internal Dual Wan (adsl + mobile) + phone and wan2 out of reach (and Vdsl...
Forums/ Routers
2022-06-07 11:23:16
ER605 PassThrough of WiFi on Wan1 router to local n Remote Admin n monitor WANs insead of CPU...
Hello I have a TL-R605 to load balance 2 Wan connections Wan1 (xxx.xxx.1.1) is a router to ISP Cosmote, connecting with TL-R605 on xxx.xxx.1.2 Wan2 (xxx.xxx.2.1) is a Router with mobile (5G)...