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Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-13 23:43:28
Re:Manual Speed Test er605v1 OC200 / RPI
@Hank21 are you referring to the automatic or the manual? The manual speedtest still exists on the latest public release. The automatic has been gone for a while.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-08 15:57:19
Re:OC 200 speedtest fails after 2 prosent
@KimcheeGUN I've tried using default DHCP DNS as well as google DNS on both WAN and LAN to no avail.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-08 15:54:09
Manual Speed Test er605v1 OC200 / RPI
Does anyone have the Manual Speedtest working on any hardware platform? What about ER605 with the latest firmware? I have two sites one of which is remote. The local site is utilizing an er605 with...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-07-28 17:11:36
Re:OC 200 speedtest fails after 2 prosent
@satelite I'm having the same issue. This is causing problems on a remote site. I am unable to determine if the local "cellular" internet connection is performing well or if i need to manually reboot...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-02-26 19:36:22
No Data on Controller App
I have two separate omada setups. One has an er605 and an omada poe switch as well as a couple omada APs. The other setup is for my RV and also has an ER605 and an EAP. For my RV setup I'm not...