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Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-02 08:00:57
Re:Accessing the ARP Table for unicast Wake on LAN
@Somnus Hello! Yeah, I was able to improvise! I still wish to be able to set permanent ARP entries though (not just for the sever), because right now forgetting and re-adopting devices in the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-01 09:12:43
Re:Accessing the ARP Table for unicast Wake on LAN
@Somnus Indeed that would be the next logical step, however I'm currently not at our family house and I won't be there for a while (which is why I was rushing to get it working). Dropping the Router...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-02-27 06:58:32
Accessing the ARP Table for unicast Wake on LAN
Hi everyone, I am a new TP-Link user (I am in the process of learning how TP-Link Hardware and Software works), and I am not a networking engineer so please excuse me if I'm posting this in the wrong...