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Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
Re:add x265 & QUIC & HTTPS /3 & DOH
Thank you for the update I look forward to beta test the ax73 & dec0 ex75pro 2 very nice routers this will secure & improve the quic feature have 3 channels encryed it be secure & much faster adgurad...
Forums/ Deco
Re:BE85 slow download (using SFP+ connection)
@Max_M internet Who spf+ are you using 10getenk depending the switch your using that might be the issue yes i love have 10 gb
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
a week ago
add x265 & QUIC & HTTPS /3 & DOH
add x265 protocal this will in crease bandwith add x265 & QUIC & HTTPS /3 & DOH THESE IMPROVE SECURTY cut the bandwith down for streaming encpty all traffic overall improve a solid product I would...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
a week ago
Re:Disabling LED should also disable the DNS query DoS attack (100k requests/mo)
can you changes your gateway 1.1.1,2 & 8.,8,8.8 that should block malware speed up your deco i recommend this on all routers tplink or deco it should improve your experience
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
Any plans on adding doh support to the deco lines
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
a week ago
Re:Encrypted DNS
I have been posting multi times on both tplink & deco no movement forward or beta releases supporting doh I have used cloudflare zero trust push doh on locations because most routers dont support doh...