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Forums/ WiFi
2023-03-08 17:48:11
Re:EAP610-Outdoor wireless stopped working after 2 weeks
@Ric04jan72 I purchased through Amazon and called tp-link directly for replacement. They send you the procedure. I called the Canadian hotline 8662258139
Forums/ WiFi
2023-02-24 02:20:04
Re:EAP610-Outdoor wireless stopped working after 2 weeks
@Fae Hi. I have just received my first replacement. The process is a bit tedious. I haven't tried it yet and the other 2 EAP610's I have, have not updated firmware yet, which is what I believe caused...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-18 02:14:53
Re:EAP610-Outdoor wireless stopped working after 2 weeks
@WiFi_Addict how did you resolve this? I am sure if I get another it will quit after it updates
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-18 01:53:41
Re:EAP610-Outdoor wireless stopped working after 2 weeks
@MP64 I have the same problem. Mine required me to update to1.0.6 then stopped working. I have 3 of them and the master quit, so the others are useless
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-28 17:29:55
Starlink router replacement
My home Starlink router is broken (gen1), so I want to switch to a 3rd party router could I use the deco xe75 in router mode as my 3rd party router/firewall, and run Ethernet from it to eap610 as an...