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Forums/ Routers
2025-02-04 14:00:28
Re:Port Forwarding Issues with WAN Alias - Same Port Not Allowed
@Clive_A Hello, i saw that release 5.15 of the controller has been published and is ready for download. It is supposed to be the update trigger for the omada router update regarding this issue as...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-24 13:18:41
Re:Best 5G router alternative for me
Hi, I just forgot to state that i already checked the smartphone solution with a X50 configured in router mode. both in IPv4 and IPv6. (no funding available to compare with a X50-4G/5G/etc).
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-18 14:48:08
Re:Best 5G router alternative for me
Hello, If something sthraighforward is needed, i'll go with X50-5G as there's already deco's around. If a litlle bit of "hacking"/ "tempering with habits"/"experimenting" is allowed : i'll go with a...
Forums/ Routers
2024-09-19 14:45:56
Re:Use ER7212PC SFP Port to Connect ISP Fibre
@JeremyT Hello, A few thoughts... 1. Goin' the hard way, Goin' with fiber... you need a GPON accepted by your ISP (mine accepts almost one model any mortal being can find in this world !) and with...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-23 08:18:58
Re:Getting the signal around an 1830 stone built house
Hi @robin-wales Instead of using "brute force" as with classical wifi system why don't you use the specificities of a mesh system ? The idea here is to get the proper coverage by multiplying wifi...
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-02 10:57:32
Re:Join the Discussion: Wi-Fi Schedule Ideas Wanted!
Hi, If i understand well this is only about wifi shutdown ? In this case, when no Wifi access is granted to users : the default behavior should be all off including backhaul. The master deco should...