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Forums/ Routers
2023-10-24 17:25:41
Re:ER707-M2 -> Internet Wan Off-line. (HW-upgrade from ER605-V2 to ER707-M2)
Thanks Clive, I think your correct it is the MAC address that gives me trouble need to change it in my Modem setting. IT refers at this moment to my ER605 MAC Address and need to refer to my ER707...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-22 16:34:31
ER707-M2 -> Internet Wan Off-line. (HW-upgrade from ER605-V2 to ER707-M2)
Can not get the Internet / Wan connection up and running with the ER707-M2 after HW upgrade from ER605-V2 I use an OC300 ( Latest Firmware) 1) ER605V2 -> Function ok. 2) ER605V2 -> Forget device 3)...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-13 15:24:50
Re:ER707-M2 Wrong version and bad Bin File. Could somebody look into this?
But Strange I do not have this issues with my ER605 V2. DHCP ip-address assignments. Still try to figure out from where it comes . The DNS serever adress is not filled in? All the data is
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-13 15:12:36
Re:ER707-M2 Wrong version and bad Bin File. Could somebody look into this?
yes, Agree. Based on the feedback I downloaded the bin file from an other site and the upgrade worked perfectly. Later I checked and it was ok, on the BE site. Still have some configuration issues,it...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-12 14:38:13
ER707-M2 Wrong version and bad Bin File. Could somebody look into this?
Hi, Wanted to do un update of the firmware for my ER707-M2 Reference is V1.1.0 Actual File name is V1.0.2 named and the Bin file is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-11 18:19:14
Re:Echange ER605V2 with a ER707-M2 / How to transfer the configuration . I'm also using a OC300
@BennyCS Little disappointed. I had to go back to old configuration and re-use the ER605V2. back to slow but happy days. Could not get the network working properly and stable with ER707-M2. The...