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Forums/ Switches
2017-01-17 22:40:26
Re:TL-SG108E VLan question Uplink P1 and Downlink P2
I've tried. But it is not possible to change settings for vlan 1. So port 1 and 2 can only have vlan 2 & 3 as taged and vlan 1 as untagged. It is not possible to set vlan 1 as tagged. From the web...
Forums/ Switches
2017-01-17 05:17:07
TL-SG108E VLan question Uplink P1 and Downlink P2
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Hey I have a question about VLAN and hope someone in here might help. I have a router which is configured with 3 VLAN's one port is assigned to...